Day 2 — Stop Waiting For Perfection

Perfect time never comes. There is no point in waiting for it.

Perfect time never comes. There is no point in waiting for it.

There are only two options:

  1. Start today

  2. Wait for tomorrow and repeat

What do I mean by that?

Everything that we do in our life, everything that is happening to us, it's up to us how we react to it. It's up to us how we proceed further.

We can sit in our chair, and do nothing, or we can start moving forward. Nothing in this life comes easy.

For some people, it may look it. They got everything overnight. That's almost never the case. We don't see the hard work it took them to get there. Blood, sweat, and tears.

We have this tendency to not start anything, simply for the reason that we're not ready yet. Or so we think. We may never be ready if we think like that.

When we don't try things out, and we keep postponing it repeatedly, it comes with regret down the line.

Hear me out: I have wanted to start my newsletter for 7 years. Always had some epiphany for writing. Lots of things stopped me to this path.

Some of them include:

  • I wasn't really that good at writing in School

  • Who will read my writing when English is my second language?

  • There is no money to make, I want money fast, now, this second

But you see, all 3 of those excuses, although valid points, could be fixed, by simply starting it right away, 7 years ago.

Simply starting things out. I could be at a much better position right now, if I started it 7 years ago, when I initially wanted to.

This comes as a regret to me. I am grateful that I have started it now.

Don't wait for anything in your life, you have to deserve it. Chase your dreams.

There is no perfect time. Only time we have, is right now, this very second. That's the only valid time we have. Why waste it?

I think that the reason(s) why we procrastinate, comes down to two reasons.

  1. We're not good enough

  2. There is no financial benefit to us

When you look at my reasons, first two of them comes to not being good enough.

It's easily fixed, by just practicing. I'll let Malcolm Gladwell explain:

“It takes ten thousand hours to truly master anything. Time spent leads to experience; experience leads to proficiency; and the more proficient you are the more valuable you'll be.”

Malcolm Gladwell

You can become anything you want, with practice.

If you practice something for 3 hours per day, it takes you 9 years to become proficient in it. Do you see the regret? I would need 2 more years.

Time flies either way. Those 7 years, have passed, ever so swiftly.

That's why it's important to choose the right thing for you. I have always changed my interests. I regret playing video games, when I know I could be doing something more productive. Time flies equally to all of us.

To choose the important thing, you need to test the water. Instead of committing years, commit only one month. See how you like it.

Don't look at anything else other then how you enjoy it. That's how I am testing the writing right now. I've committed to writing every single day for 30 days. So far, I enjoy it immensely.

Now to the second reason. Financial benefit.

This one is easily solvable. Thanks to the internet. We can make money out of anything we love doing.

Painter can create his community, showcase his work, sell his paintings, teach others, review others' paintings. Go on live calls and talk to other painting enthusiasm. He can charge $10 per month for it, he needs 1000 people in the community to make $10000 per month with it.

1000 being the magical number, as explained in this article

Money can be made, it's up to us, to choose the right thing, for us.

So, in a nutshell:

  • Choose the thing you wish to explore

  • Test the waters by doing it every day for 30 days

  • Assess your emotions.

    • Did you like it? Proceed to 10000 hours and beyond.

    • Didn't enjoy it as much, felt like a chore instead of a game? Look for something else and repeat the process from beginning.

With that, I've finished day 2 of my testing.

I'll see you tomorrow!

Don't forget, always chase your dreams.

Dejan Kopunovic