Day 4 — Stop Saying Negative Things

Shift Your Outlook On Life

Have you ever had this feeling of wanting to do something, feeling super excited, perhaps even laying out a map in your head, only to ... not do anything with it?

I know I have. I have dozens upon dozens of maps in my head, most of them thrown in the trash.

From one thing to another, I kept switching things.

Things such as business, workout plan, diet, hobbies, interests, and so on.

While exploring is great, I shouldn't have kept doubting myself.

When I look to the bottom of it, that's what it really is. Just doubting myself and my beliefs.

I have been feeding my head that I can not focus, that I am not good at anything, that I am jack of all trades.

So what might happen when I try to focus on one thing for an extended period of time, let's say 2 months? I switch things out.

My brain tells me that it's time to change, since that's internally what I know the best.

I have been practicing the skill of changing things so frequently, that 2I have been telling myself that I can't be great at a particular thing.

Naturally, I won't be good at it.

The reason I do this, is because of my belief systems. I believed, consciously or unconsciously, that I can not be best at a certain thing.

But this can change. If you're facing the similar problem, for instance, you've laid out the map in your head, but haven't started it yet, or gave up after some time, hear me out.

It is reversible. It's easy, it's boring, but it works.

First of all, I want you to shift your thinking. Stop thinking negatively and replace it with a more positive outlook.

Let me give you an example. Let's say, that you want to be next greatest basketball player in the world. Instead of saying, "Michael Jordan is such a great basketball player, I can never be good like him." say, "Michael Jordan is such a great basketball player, I aim to be better then him, I will be better then him. I will be the next greatest basketball player."

Do you see the difference? If you keep telling yourself this and actually practice basketball for 12+ hours per day, with enough time elapsed, the chances of you becoming the next greatest player is significantly higher than before.

Now you might say that's impossible. Again, it's only a belief system. If one person has done it, so can another one.

To one person it comes easier; to another, harder. It doesn't make that much of a difference.

At the end of the day, it comes down to loving what you do, practicing it, and telling yourself positive affirmations.

So for me, what I've done, is I committed my self to writing daily. As I've said in my first letter, I will be writing daily for 30 days to see where it takes me.

Not financially, but emotionally. How do I feel while writing. I may not be great at it, but the only valid question is, do I enjoy it?

If the answer is Yes, of course I'll continue writing.

With enough affirmations and practice every day, I will become on of the greatest writers. Bold statement, but that's only if I enjoy it.

Will I continue doing it? We will find out together at the 30th day.

Stop telling yourself negative things, switch them around, and get to work.

With that said, fourth day has been completed.

I'll see you tomorrow!

Don't forget, always chase your dreams.

Dejan Kopunovic