Day 5 — Stop Worrying So Much

Whether it's a small concern or a large one, it doesn't make a difference. We constantly worry about things, consciously or unconsciously.

Whether it's a small concern or a large one, it doesn't make a difference. We constantly worry about things, consciously or unconsciously.

It removes the ability to live to the fullest. Not only that, but you get caught up in it so much, that you almost feel like you're paralyzed.

I can share examples from my own life, particularly in business endeavors.

Ever since I finished high school (8 years ago), I knew 9-5 was not for me.

I wanted to start something my own. So, I began researching and learning about money and entrepreneurship.

Naturally, I got wrapped up in it. I had more notebooks and books than I ever had throughout my entire school life. I became obsessed.

However, I was also obsessed with video games at that time. So, I couldn't make much progress in the real world. It was easier to make progress in a video game. That’s a story for another time.

I was researching, and finding out about different business models.

I kept asking myself and others around me, what they thought about this business model.

What about this one?
Will I be good at it?
Is it future-proof?
Is there money in it?
How fast can I earn money?
Does it matter that I'm young and inexperienced?

And so on, and so on...

I kept worrying about trivial things. It's not that they aren't important; they are to some degree and at the right time. But not in the beginning.

You see, there is no point in worrying about that big stone which is 1000 kilometers ahead on the road. Start the engine and get going.

I wish I knew that when I started. Or at least, I wish I was aware of it.

I see this everywhere. Even recently with the rise of AI... Let's name a few examples:

"Video Editors will go obsolete. Have you seen this video, made COMPLETELY BY AI???"

"Copywriters are not needed anymore, CHATGPT can write better than 90% of people!"

"Why go to the doctor? Just ask CHATGPT, LOL"


Stop, stop, stop. First of all -- I have bigger things to worry about...



"Ehm, Lord Dejan, I-I-I'm sorry to interrupt, b-b-but I don't think you should reveal your hidden a-agenda with this newsletter. The plan was to..."


Ah, sorry about that. I got caught up with my incompetent assistant over here. Always some trouble with him... Now when the distraction is gone, where was I?

Oh yes, AI and worrying.

I could argue with people and explain why we need doctors and how ridiculous it sounds what they're saying.

I could reason with them about why we need copywriters, and video editors, or any particular field, and how AI is not taking over anything.

We need human connection, emotions. Something AI doesn't have, and I'm pretty sure it never will.

There's no point in worrying about something that may or may not happen.

Of course, I'm not suggesting you to be reckless and cross the street without looking left and right. Or to spend all your savings, bet your house, your dog, your family... Or engage in illegal activities. Using common sense is highly practical here.

What I'm trying to say is you should just start, whatever you wish to. Don't worry about what's waiting for you 10 steps away. Worry about the first step.

Once you reach the 10th step, that obstacle might not even be there. You might have progressed so much that you can solve it with ease.

Maybe the obstacle wasn't even that hard at all. And even if it is, would you let it stop you from your path?

With that said, 5th day has been completed.

I'll see you tomorrow!

Don't forget, always chase your dreams.

Dejan Kopunovic