Day 9 — Destroy Your Bad Habits

There is a simple, yet effective solution to do this.

Have you been struggling with some bad habits lately?

Some vices you wish to destroy?

Perhaps you've tried to get rid of them but to no success?

I know I have. My vices were:

  • Smoking weed from time to time

  • Playing video games daily

  • Watching YouTube videos about video games (this was the biggest one)

I have been struggling with video games specifically for over a decade. Especially watching videos of them.

No matter how many times I have deleted the game and the history on YouTube. I always kept coming back.

It was wired to my brain, which was the problem. I was addicted. Even when I set up a plan to do something productive, and once I got tired, I would go back to my vices.

Thankfully they weren't detrimental to my health (except for smoking weed, but that was a rare activity), but they were harmful for my future.

I couldn't focus, kept delaying things, wasn't as happy, and was annoyed when I had to do something. It was a chaos.

Now when I write this, it was detremential after all.

I have successfully managed to cut ties with all 3 vices. I feel 10 times better now.

There is a simple, yet effective solution to do this.

It takes about 3 days to do it. It takes willpower, discipline, and focus.

Whenever you feel a craving to do something, say aloud that it's not for you, and it's not you anymore.

This psychologically tells your unconscious mind that you're not that person anymore. You're no longer the one who's doing the bad habit.

Doing this once will only help a little, depending on how big and strong your bad habit is.

I'll give you an example. If you've been smoking for 3 days, it will take maybe one to two cravings to cut it off.

If you've been smoking for years and decades, it will take 3 days, most likely even more.

So how do you do this? I'll give you 2 examples:

  1. Smoking

  2. Video Games

Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, you need to catch yourself and say, "I am not a smoker" or "It's not for me."

Whenever you feel the craving to play the game, or when you notice a video on YouTube or wherever, say, "I am no longer a gamer" or "It's not for me" or "It isn't fun anymore."

Now here's the trick. It's not enough to say it aloud. You have to mean it, you have to feel the emotions. Emotions create experiences, which create memories.

I have been playing games for 1 and a half decades. And I stopped playing them very fast.

I've seen people saying how it's impossible to stop smoking. Is it?

They either don't want it enough or they don't believe they can stop.

Both of the reasons can be neutralized with the solution I mentioned above. Say that it doesn't resonate with you, and mean it, feel the emotions.

I'm not going to lie and sugarcoat you. This will be painful, and very hard.

But the pain is good. Pain comes when effort meets resistance. In this case, effort is putting the smoke down, resistance is your brain wanting to smoke it.

Embrace the pain, that's how you grow.

Hopefully, this helped you, or you know someone who might use it.

With that said, the 9th day has been completed.

I'll see you tomorrow!

Don't forget, always chase your dreams.

Dejan Kopunovic