Feeling Lost? Read This

For 8 full years, I have been trying to figure out my path.

Ever since I finished High School, I knew the traditional path 9-5 isn't for me. So I have started researching about different paths. And I've stumbled upon online income.

I was hooked, I wanted more, I was thirsty for this knowledge.

I was excited. But that excitement slowly transitioned into depression. There were so many options to choose from, and I didn't know what to do.

I changed my interest every week to every month. I always thought that the next thing is my calling, I will make it. But it wasn't like that.

I've tried so many things. Freelance skills, coding, e-commerce, affiliate marketing, trading, coding, consulting, you name it, I've tried it...

In the last few months I made more progress than I had in the last 8 years. I've learned so much about myself, that I want to share it with you.

If you're feeling lost, this will greatly help you.

Everyone will tell you to focus on the thing that made them money. They will show you the way, some will show you for free with a secret agenda of trying to sell you something, or they will straight up tell you to buy their course. And it will make you money! Woohoo!

Well, I'm not here to do that.

I will give you steps that made me figure out what I actually want to do. How to acquire Self-knowledge that will help you find out your path. This might take a few weeks, it might take up to a year. It depends on your expertise, your maturity, and your willingness to work hard.

There are 5 steps.

But first, step 0. Start living your life. Don't let someone tell you what to do. Think for yourself, choose your own path.

It's not about listening to someone to for with e-commerce, and then you find yourself miserable.

What's the point then?

Okay, now with the real deal.

Step 1:

Find out your MBTI type. You can do it here - https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types

There are 16 personality types. Figure it out, it takes 10-30 minutes. You will learn so much about yourself.

Once you read it, you will see what I'm talking about.

It will help you tremendously.

I have done it in the past, but only recently have I seen the power of it.

For the record, I'm an INTP.

So this, step 2.

Step 2:

Read and research more about your MBTI type.

Read a book perhaps.

Learn your pros and cons.

Strengths and weaknesses.

I have read 2 books, and I learned a lot!

I learned why I constantly changed things, why I have million thoughts running inside my head.

All of it!

This is a crucial step.

Step 3:

Figure out your flow state task.

This is when you're doing something and you have no thoughts other than the task you're doing.

You see, there is no point in picking a business model just for the sake of making money.

If you don't like the task involved in the business, you will hate it.

You need to find out your flow state task first, then the business model comes after.

This will take trial and error.

But you need to do it, it is so important.

Do things you enjoy, try things out. For me it's:

  1. Video Games

  2. Research and Learning

  3. Writing

Since I don't want to play video games all day for the rest of my life, I don' want to become a streamer, that falls out.

Research and learning are good and fun. But it's not about being a student in school, it's about following my interests. I can use that.

And the final one writing. I love to write. I feel in constant flow state while I'm writing.

Once I wrote a short story and I loved it soo much. If you want to check it, click the link here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cyqwkfrOm-Z23ban2siC7JgzJR1cTeROMZjH9znQi7c/edit?usp=sharing

Keep in mind that I wasn't good at writing in School (not sure If I still am, but I love it, and will improve it). I was getting bad grades for my writing because I didn't like the topics, I wasn't reading books as well, the topics were mostly about the books we were supposed to read.

So naturally I won't be a good freelance writer, I need to write things that I want, about the topics I want. Not what someone else laid out to me.

I was writing letters for birthdays, presents, journaling a lot, even this newsletter. I love it!

So it's important to know that you don't necessarily need to be good at it. You can practice it and you will become better and better. And guess what? Since it is your flow state task, you will improve a lot faster and better compared to someone who doesn't like the activity.

Step 4:

Once you have figured out your flow state task, it's important to know research your business path.

It can be hard, so that's why I have prepared something.

Use https://chatgpt.com. Write a story about yourself in detail, write your goals, your childhood, your current life, what you like, what you dislike, what were you good at, bad at, your desires, dreams, everything you can think of. What you've tried, what worked, what didn't. And most importantly, write your flow state task(s).

Once you've done that, read it, you might find something useful. After reading it, use this prompt in chatgpt -- I will give you a story. Based on the story, I want to you to lay out 5 paths for me, that best suit me, and my goal. Give them a rating 1-10 as well (that best suits me and my goals). Make a great emphasis on my flow state task(s), let it be the main factor. Give it in a non-biased way, tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear.

Don't stop here now. Research more. Keep learning, reading. Find out your business path.

Create a roadmap!

Step 5:


Don't give up. Stay at it. Don't change.

With these steps, you won't have to change. Keep doing your flow state task. Focus on your business.

Remember to relax here and there, set a minimum standard per day (for me it's 500 words).

Follow your roadmap.

My current goal is to finish and publish a book by the end of this year.

If you'd like to chat, send me a reply, or hit me up on Skool -- https://www.skool.com/@dejan-kopunovic-4918

As always, stay positive, keep your head up, enjoy your life!

-Dejan Kopunovic